Digital transformation for maximum performance on assembly lines
Digital transformation for maximum performance on assembly lines
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The automotive sector plays an important role in the global industrial structure. In Brazil, it represents around 22% of industrial GDP. In most cases, companies in this sector are transnational, which operate on a global scale or serve specific geographic regions, through multi-plants, which generally produce the same types and models of vehicles in different locations. Sequor Softwares Industriais is present and consolidated in this sector, count on our solutions and check out the case below!
Difference in tackt time of different bank models.
For example: a very long sequence of the same model that had a very high tackt time could cause the bottleneck station to stop serving the following and consequently, previous stations stopped, generating many line stops.
Models with high tackt: electric seats and/or with airbag.
Receiving the demand, the models with the highest production tackt were redistributed over time, so as to undo this sequence of several models with the highest tackt.
As the supplier of seats and upholstery, produces to stake, we ensure that the sequence being pulled by the car company is delivered and alter production as needed. To achieve this, we developed an algorithm together with the process team.
We look at the history of what has been produced, compare it with what is being requested and plan current production.
Due to our system, they did not need to make investments to purchase new machines for assembling benches.
Without this investment, they also did not need to increase manufacturing space. We increased the efficiency of the current line, which now makes it possible to produce more with more models than was produced months ago, increasing the mix of products produced in less time.
There were no more unplanned line stops, being a very large gain, which they were unable to measure. They were also able to carry out production simulation. For example: assuming that a new car model will arrive, which will only change one finish on the seat, passing the information to the manufacturer, it is possible to implement it in our simulator, and thus be able to plan this entire new model before even entering into operation. production, having an idea of whether they will need investment in new equipment or not.
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