QMS Solution - Food - Sequor Digital Solutions

The food sector is present in the daily life of any Brazilian citizen. Therefore, it is nothing new to say that the food industry in Brazil makes up an important portion of the country's economy, retaining a significant weight since its implementation. Sequor Softwares Industriais is present and consolidated in this sector, count on our solutions and check out the case below!

QMS Solution


Challenges in its quality were reported, including: lack of identification of validity problems in real time, variability in product quality resulting in waste, manual document control, which are difficult to manage and time-consuming. Difficult to monitor or standardize new quality regulations. Manual quality management is more prone to errors, which makes quality difficult to manage and audits difficult to pass. Insufficient internal quality resources to manage compliance.

Manual recording of the CEP on paper and pen, manual recording of process variables (weight, expansion, length, width, color, texture and temperature), lack of visibility of data for intervention, process losses and difficult access to history of variables.


Sequor arrived to help with the process as a whole, bringing a base of updated information where the input of the data flow would be specifications, regulatory standards, control plans and process flow, which can be accessed when necessary.


Communication, not only with the board, but with quality management and with your external client is essential. Today, through the Sequor system, it is also possible to check all the dashboards and histories available.

This is possible because throughout the process we collect product parameters, such as weight, width, height, color and reinforce the need for inspections throughout the pre-defined flow. The operator himself receives information about late inspections, through a direct management system and with this we are able to assign and evaluate the CEP of each process.

All this surrounded by alerts for action, which originate from business rules, parameterized in the system.


Reduced loss, reduced paper processes, reduced audit time and increased on-time delivery rate.

With the implementation of Sequor's CEP Letter tool, another partner company managed to reduce the scrap rate in the production of capacitors by approximately 95%, proposing statistical control of the process in real time.

In another company, we were able to reduce the loss of packaged product to meet the minimum quantity standards stipulated by INMETRO.

QMS Benefits

  • Consultation of information history
  • Process flow
  • Control plans
  • Specifications
  • Regulatory standards
  • Updated database
  • Alerts for operator action when a new inspection must be carried out
  • Digitization of inspected data
  • Alert for critical control points
  • Integration with inspection machines to mitigate typing errors
  • Integration with viscometer
  • Texturometer
  • Moisture determining scale
  • CEP System
  • Quality KPI reports and dashboards
  • Among others